
Circuit Simulation and Resources

Thank you for your interest in CircuitEngine. CircuitEngine was originally a web applet that ran in this webpage. Now that web applets are deprecated, you can download a standalone program (using a JFrame). Currently Java 1.6 and a two button mouse are required. I would love to make this program work with single button mice, but currently I have other things I need to spend my time on. If you have any comments or suggestions, please don't hesitate to contact me at

How to run CircuitEngine

Click Here to Download the Original CircuitEngine, Open With Eclipse and Run on Your Desktop or Laptop.

Click Here to Download the Android version, Circuits Dynamic (not as powerful, but mobile, so you can take it with you)

Click Here to Download the Android Daydream version, CircuitsVR (requires a Google Daydream compatible phone and headset)


The tutorial page explains the features of CircuitEngine, such as how to adjust the simulation speed.
The welcome page gives many examples of ways to use CircuitEngine.
You can use a free program such as MWSnap to capture images from the screen to create professionial documents.

Please help promote CircuitEngine

If you find CircuitEngine valuable, please tell everyone you know who could benefit from it about it. By doing so, you will encourage future software development.

Program Feedback

Do you have any suggestions for improvements or additions, think you have found a bug or problem, or have any other concerns? Please send me an email at I would love to hear how this program is useful.


This information and software is being provided in the hopes that it will be useful. While every effort has been made to make it free from errors, no warranty or guarantee of accuracy can be provided.

© 2009 Kevin Stueve Web template by Andreas Viklund.

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.